Nestled in East Tennessee just 35 minutes from downtown Knoxville and 40 minutes from the Great Smoky Mountains, there are plenty of reasons to love our campus location. Our official address is:
The Baker Memorial Building, opened in 1951 was a gift of Knox County Baptist Churches. The 30,132 square foot building was named for Mr. Cecil H. Baker, who served for many years as the chairman of the C-N Board of Trustees. The first floor of Baker houses the Army ROTC department and includes ROTC administrative and academic offices, computing rooms, two classrooms and a cadet student lounge. It also features the Randall O’Brien Veterans Center. The second floor of Baker building is home to the Graduate Studies in Counseling and includes the William Blevins Institute for Spirituality and Mental Health. Interview and counseling rooms and a graduate student gathering space are located adjacent to administrative offices for the graduate counseling faculty also on the second floor. The Counseling and Collaboration Lab Facility is located on the third floor. The Department of History and Political Science teaches courses in recently renovated smart classrooms on the second floor.
Baker Memorial Building is located at 706 Ken Sparks Way, Jefferson City, TN 37760